Taras Questions
Time to get going on the blog ladies and genitals. I decided to kick off by answering a few questions recently put to me by my friend and fellow erotic author, Tara Tainton.
Tara has chosen four victims (friends) to answer some probing questions in an effort to draw out the real person behind the blog. She loves the fact that blogging exists but hates those who use it to tell of their trip to the supermarket or what their dog had fow dinner that night. She needs to feel the real you, in a hands off way initially but given the chance I am sure she would get those wandering mitts of hers all over a willing body.
So, down to the questions. Tara has asked me to answer at least one of her questions but I will answer them all. I have nothing to hide and hope that I can keep my dick in my pants long enough to answer them as honestly and descriptively as possible.
1) Vasper, you've just made your debut in the world of erotica writing. What is the biggest reason for you turning to the genre?
I think there are a few reasons why I decided to start writing erotica. The main reason was to extend my quest for liberation and honesty for myself and those I come into contact with. By exposing this side of myself through my writing I can not only create an outlet for my personal journey of growth and exploration but I can share it with others. In my opinion there is no greater pleasure on earth than to connect with other like minded folk.
2) What can your fans expect to see from you five years from now? Stories galore, novels, webcam action, porn stardom?
The sexual, sensual, erotic side of our nature as human beings has long been repressed for varying reasons. The porn industry has grown exponentially over the last 10 years with the advent of the internet but sex remains a taboo topic in most households. The old addage "sex sells" seems to have been relegated to lads mags and motorshows. Even hollywood has turned it's back on sex. When was the last successful movie you saw which had some explicit sex scenes? It makes me wonder how we will change moving forward with regard to our attitudes to sex.
My personal contribution will be along the lines of short fictional stories, poems, palindromes, true stories, thoughts, desires, feelings and emotions with one core idea in mind. Eroticism.
3) What is the freakiest sex act you ever committed, alone or with someone else? What were the repercussions, if any?
I don't think I have been too "freaky" in my sexual life so far. Most sex I have had has been within a relationship rather than one night stands or brief encounters so the sex takes on a different kind of safe comfortable nature. Sure, I have explored the usual paths of varied sexual positions, places, role play, fantasies and even had a dildo up my arse in the search for the male G-spot. The repercussions of that moment being my walk taking on a John Wayne type appearance for the next few hours!
I had sex once in the car park at Heathrow airport. Only a few weeks before a couple had done the same thing and been caught and prosecuted. I love having my cock stroked while I am driving and love fingering a wet pussy while my girl is driving.
I once took a sex test along with 3 close friends (1 guy, 2 gals) and the result was that the other 3 were definately more "out there" in terms of their sexual experiences than I was. Makes you wonder where all my stories come from doesn't it. Let's say what I lack in getting my freak on I make up for with a vibrantly vivid imagination.
4) What do you have to say to some more close-minded readers we writers tend to hear from who assume we must have done or be actively pursuing each and every sexual activity we happen to write about?
Tara knows this happened to me recently. I am a little disappointed when people pre-judge you on your writing. I have written a few stories that cover the theme of anal sex with the guy being on the receiving end. Now listen and listen very carefully. I am a writer. I use my life experiences and my creative imagination as the tools to deliver the written word. It does not mean that when I write about a guy getting a bottle up his arse while 3 teenage virgins lick ferociously at his penis, that I want this guy to be me or that this guy has been me. It could have been me, or it could be what I want but then again it may just be my imagination (in this case it is my imagination). My point is this. If a writer writes about a murder, does it mean he has or wants to commit a murder? When someone writes about a child being raped does it make them a rapist? When you see a story about a rich guy falling in love with a prostitute does it mean it actually happened? Because the subject matter I write about can be a little taboo those who read it can often reach conclusions about the writer. Give us a break, we are creative people and often we can cover topics which lead people to make assumptions. All I am asking is that you open your minds a little and relax. They are only stories. Unless they are my true stories in which case I will state that at the beginning.
5) What would your ideal fans (readers) be like? What would they be drawn to your writing for?
My ideal readers would be those who enjoy the honesty and creativity that I attempt to provide in my writing. I hope that people enjoy my style of writing and that it may inspire them to be more honest in their own lives with whatever they do.
6) Describe your ideal sexual partner for us. We don't care about relationships; we wanna know who you'd deem worthiest of a good fuck!
Let me get my list...
I love women who are shorter than me, petite I would say. I absolutely love nice legs, a nice sizeable pair of tits, which look even better when you can see the girls ribs. I like long hair as I like to pull that mane when taking someone from behind. I love a girl who is vocal too. Let it out girl, tell me what you are feeling. Don't be boring. I need someone who has passion but can slip into submissiveness and "be taken" at times. She has to be up for it at a moments notice, none of this, wait 'til we get home and have a shower first nonsense.
I want someone who is open to sex anytime, anyplace, anywhere. I am spontaneous in that regard. I tend to see women every day with whom I would like to have a damn good fuck. If only our society allowed us the freedom to just stop someone in the street and say "I want to fuck the shit out of you right now" and allow the other person to just say "ok, let's fuck". Then you can pop into a "fuck booth" like those portable toilets and just bang away. Ten minutes later you exit and go on your merry way. Alas, our society is marriage driven and monogamy rules. This being said, I may get married one day, who knows. There are just so many lovely women out there I would love to fuck.
If I had to pull a name out of the hat....I would love to fuck Cytheria. Do a search for her on the web. She is cute, young, has a beautiful face and she squirts like no-one on earth!
On a tamer note. My ideal sexual partner is the same as my ideal life partner. Someone who you can be totally open and honest with. What this means in the bedroom is that your imagination knows no bounds. When you have sex with someone who you have this feeling with it is like you are being set free. It is totally and utterly liberating and ten times better than any drug. The natural high I experience from having a connection like this is beyond measure. My orgasms are intense and leave me dizzy. Nothing else matters.
7) What do you love about Tara? Come on, tell me!
Where do I start? Tara is without doubt the most open, honest, creative, sexual, organised, intelligent and driven woman I have had the pleasure of not meeting. It is true, we have never actually met in person or even spoken on the phone. Our relationship has been purely email based yet she is one of my closest friends. I put that down to our mutual interest in honesty, our love of travel and erotica and that we just realise that there are others out there who are just like you. You just have to go out and find them.
I hope I have managed to answer Taras questions to her satisfaction. It is now my turn to pick out a few of my favorite bloggers and create a list of questions for them that will give those reading the answers a much better idea of who they really are.
Watch this space for links to those bloggers I choose...
Tara has chosen four victims (friends) to answer some probing questions in an effort to draw out the real person behind the blog. She loves the fact that blogging exists but hates those who use it to tell of their trip to the supermarket or what their dog had fow dinner that night. She needs to feel the real you, in a hands off way initially but given the chance I am sure she would get those wandering mitts of hers all over a willing body.
So, down to the questions. Tara has asked me to answer at least one of her questions but I will answer them all. I have nothing to hide and hope that I can keep my dick in my pants long enough to answer them as honestly and descriptively as possible.
1) Vasper, you've just made your debut in the world of erotica writing. What is the biggest reason for you turning to the genre?
I think there are a few reasons why I decided to start writing erotica. The main reason was to extend my quest for liberation and honesty for myself and those I come into contact with. By exposing this side of myself through my writing I can not only create an outlet for my personal journey of growth and exploration but I can share it with others. In my opinion there is no greater pleasure on earth than to connect with other like minded folk.
2) What can your fans expect to see from you five years from now? Stories galore, novels, webcam action, porn stardom?
The sexual, sensual, erotic side of our nature as human beings has long been repressed for varying reasons. The porn industry has grown exponentially over the last 10 years with the advent of the internet but sex remains a taboo topic in most households. The old addage "sex sells" seems to have been relegated to lads mags and motorshows. Even hollywood has turned it's back on sex. When was the last successful movie you saw which had some explicit sex scenes? It makes me wonder how we will change moving forward with regard to our attitudes to sex.
My personal contribution will be along the lines of short fictional stories, poems, palindromes, true stories, thoughts, desires, feelings and emotions with one core idea in mind. Eroticism.
3) What is the freakiest sex act you ever committed, alone or with someone else? What were the repercussions, if any?
I don't think I have been too "freaky" in my sexual life so far. Most sex I have had has been within a relationship rather than one night stands or brief encounters so the sex takes on a different kind of safe comfortable nature. Sure, I have explored the usual paths of varied sexual positions, places, role play, fantasies and even had a dildo up my arse in the search for the male G-spot. The repercussions of that moment being my walk taking on a John Wayne type appearance for the next few hours!
I had sex once in the car park at Heathrow airport. Only a few weeks before a couple had done the same thing and been caught and prosecuted. I love having my cock stroked while I am driving and love fingering a wet pussy while my girl is driving.
I once took a sex test along with 3 close friends (1 guy, 2 gals) and the result was that the other 3 were definately more "out there" in terms of their sexual experiences than I was. Makes you wonder where all my stories come from doesn't it. Let's say what I lack in getting my freak on I make up for with a vibrantly vivid imagination.
4) What do you have to say to some more close-minded readers we writers tend to hear from who assume we must have done or be actively pursuing each and every sexual activity we happen to write about?
Tara knows this happened to me recently. I am a little disappointed when people pre-judge you on your writing. I have written a few stories that cover the theme of anal sex with the guy being on the receiving end. Now listen and listen very carefully. I am a writer. I use my life experiences and my creative imagination as the tools to deliver the written word. It does not mean that when I write about a guy getting a bottle up his arse while 3 teenage virgins lick ferociously at his penis, that I want this guy to be me or that this guy has been me. It could have been me, or it could be what I want but then again it may just be my imagination (in this case it is my imagination). My point is this. If a writer writes about a murder, does it mean he has or wants to commit a murder? When someone writes about a child being raped does it make them a rapist? When you see a story about a rich guy falling in love with a prostitute does it mean it actually happened? Because the subject matter I write about can be a little taboo those who read it can often reach conclusions about the writer. Give us a break, we are creative people and often we can cover topics which lead people to make assumptions. All I am asking is that you open your minds a little and relax. They are only stories. Unless they are my true stories in which case I will state that at the beginning.
5) What would your ideal fans (readers) be like? What would they be drawn to your writing for?
My ideal readers would be those who enjoy the honesty and creativity that I attempt to provide in my writing. I hope that people enjoy my style of writing and that it may inspire them to be more honest in their own lives with whatever they do.
6) Describe your ideal sexual partner for us. We don't care about relationships; we wanna know who you'd deem worthiest of a good fuck!
Let me get my list...
I love women who are shorter than me, petite I would say. I absolutely love nice legs, a nice sizeable pair of tits, which look even better when you can see the girls ribs. I like long hair as I like to pull that mane when taking someone from behind. I love a girl who is vocal too. Let it out girl, tell me what you are feeling. Don't be boring. I need someone who has passion but can slip into submissiveness and "be taken" at times. She has to be up for it at a moments notice, none of this, wait 'til we get home and have a shower first nonsense.
I want someone who is open to sex anytime, anyplace, anywhere. I am spontaneous in that regard. I tend to see women every day with whom I would like to have a damn good fuck. If only our society allowed us the freedom to just stop someone in the street and say "I want to fuck the shit out of you right now" and allow the other person to just say "ok, let's fuck". Then you can pop into a "fuck booth" like those portable toilets and just bang away. Ten minutes later you exit and go on your merry way. Alas, our society is marriage driven and monogamy rules. This being said, I may get married one day, who knows. There are just so many lovely women out there I would love to fuck.
If I had to pull a name out of the hat....I would love to fuck Cytheria. Do a search for her on the web. She is cute, young, has a beautiful face and she squirts like no-one on earth!
On a tamer note. My ideal sexual partner is the same as my ideal life partner. Someone who you can be totally open and honest with. What this means in the bedroom is that your imagination knows no bounds. When you have sex with someone who you have this feeling with it is like you are being set free. It is totally and utterly liberating and ten times better than any drug. The natural high I experience from having a connection like this is beyond measure. My orgasms are intense and leave me dizzy. Nothing else matters.
7) What do you love about Tara? Come on, tell me!
Where do I start? Tara is without doubt the most open, honest, creative, sexual, organised, intelligent and driven woman I have had the pleasure of not meeting. It is true, we have never actually met in person or even spoken on the phone. Our relationship has been purely email based yet she is one of my closest friends. I put that down to our mutual interest in honesty, our love of travel and erotica and that we just realise that there are others out there who are just like you. You just have to go out and find them.
I hope I have managed to answer Taras questions to her satisfaction. It is now my turn to pick out a few of my favorite bloggers and create a list of questions for them that will give those reading the answers a much better idea of who they really are.
Watch this space for links to those bloggers I choose...
Good god, is it wrong that I was terribly turned on by reading your responses to my own questions? Was I naughty?
There's something about your honest and direct approach that is incredibly sexy, and if you can turn on readers from merely answering stagnant questions off the top of your head......you're one hell of a writer.
Tara's an original, no question about it.
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