Thursday, May 26, 2005

Come on my face....

So what is the deal with guys wanting to come on a girls face? I confess it is something I want to do and yet it makes me feel like I am trying to degrade the girl by doing. Surely it is a power thing or a submission deal or something along those lines. Even porn stars look like they hate it but do it as they are getting paid to do it so is it really a degrading practice or something that girls and guys both like?

I know plenty of ladies who say they love to swallow but I have never heard one say she likes a load all over her face. Why is that? I have my own views and reasons why but I want to know what you think.

I doubt I would find it a turn on to spurt over my lovers face. I think it would make me laugh if anything....I have been known to spunk up on pretty much every other part of a girls body though ;0).


Blogger Tara Tainton said...

You know, I cry a little inside every day I check your blog and find no updates. :(

But...I wouldn't mind cum on my face! :) Think I've only experienced it once. Coming on a girl's chest seems to be in even more favor. And the only thing I can think of is that it's an ego thing as you stated...either a feeling of power for the guy in some sense or maybe even love/admiration thinking a gal likes him enough to not mind the stuff on her. ;)

Monday, May 30, 2005  
Blogger W. S. Cross said...

Sex is about power, and humiliation is one aspect of it. Women have learned to manipulate those desires, too.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dunno, b4 i never liked the thought of a guy cummin on my face but then after i found the right guy that i'm wit now, it got me excited and i like the whole cummin on my face or boobs. But I guess I enjoy it cuz I like being overpowered

Tuesday, January 03, 2006  

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